Concurrent Sessions
Session 1 - Socio Economic Ecosystems: From Boardrooms to Bathrooms to Big blue
Session 2 - Contamination: “Pouring Oil on Troubled Water”
Waves – Breaking on Everyone
8:00 AM Evaluation of wind fields for wave and storm surge prediction during Hurricane Sandy. Vanessa Bennett, Civil Engineering, Queen’s University 8:15 AM Physical and numerical modelling of waves and wave induced currents in a wave basin. Ramy Marmoush, Civil Engineering, Queen’s University 8:30 AM Physical modelling of tsunamis generated by down-slope acceleration of water from a dam break. Gemma Bullard, Civil Engineering, Queen’s University 8:45 AM – Break Governances – “Jumping Ship to Stay Afloat” 9:00 AM Mount Polley Mining Disaster: Condition of Mine Tailing Ponds in Canada’s West. Mike Masserey, Aquatic Resources, St Francis Xavier University 9:15 AM A Study of Governance: The Saskatoon South East Water Supply System. Kristin N. Bruce, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan 9:30 AM Self governance of water in Detroit: when the state fails but the people stand up. Yeva Swart, School of Law (EIUC is an interdisciplinary program), Queen's University Belfast & EIUC 9:45 AM Towards An Inclusive Development Framework for Governing Fresh Water Resources. Shakeel Hayat, Integrated Water System and Governance Department, UNESCO-IHE, Institute for Water Education 10:00 AM – Break Supply and Demand - "Water Water Everywhere, But Not Drop to Drink" 10:15 AM Application of WEAP in the Analysis of Water Infrastructure as Domestic Water Supply Management in Jamshoro Sindh, Pakistan. Nadia Jannath Nishu, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Utah 10:30 AM Water Resource Management as Complex Adapative Systems. Alexandre Tourigny, Civil Engineering, Queen's University 10:45 AM Evolution of Agricultural Water Use in India: A systems approach. Tejasvi Hora, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo 11:00 AM Exploring Adaptation and Resilience to Drought: A Study of Brazilian Family Farmers. Laura Bevacqua, International Development UNBC 11:15 AM Revitalizing Indigenous Water Harvesting Systems to Mitigate Drought and Flashflood Damage – Yemen. Musaed Mohammed Aklan, Water Science and engineering, UNESCO-IHE 11:30 AM Sustainable Wastewater Systems for Texas Colonias: Alternatives Analysis for El Paso County. Marcela Moreno, School of City & Regional Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology 12:00 PM - 1:00PM - Keynote Speaker: Dr. Michael Steger 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Lunch Transboundary – “Sharing is Caring” 2:15 PM On the Politics of Trans-Boundary Water. Manasa Seshan, Political Studies, Queen's University 2:30 PM Transboundary water cooperation, regional integration and conflict prevention - the case of the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Hannah Moosa, Political Science, University of Toronto Alumni 2:45 PM Beyond just water: reframing the dialogue for transboundary water governance. Jespal Panesar, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo 3:00 PM The Path We Share: Indigenous Transboundary Water Governance Innovation. Kelsey Leonard, Department of Political Science, McMaster University 3:15 PM Water, food, water. Tarran Maharaj, Geography, Planning & Environment, Concordia University 3:30 PM – Break Watersheds - "Flourishing Flora and Fauna" 3:45 PM The invasion of Patagonia by chinook salmon: an ecosystem understanding. Nicolas Munoz, Biological Science, Simon Fraser University 4:00 PM Paleolimnological investigation of the impact of the Bridge-River Diversion on primary and secondary producers in Seton lake, a sockeye salmon lake in British Columbia (Canada) Cecilia Barouillet, Biology, Queen's University 4:15 PM A Paleolimnological Investigation of Lake St. Francis, a Fluvial Lake in the St. Lawrence River (Cornwall) Area of Concern. Katherine E. Moir, Environmental Studies, Queen's University 4:30 PM Ecological resilience of temperate lakes to the formation of algal blooms. Aleksey Paltsev, Biology, Western University |
Community Water Quality – “All Hands on Deck”
8:00 AM Design of a Community Based Water Quality Monitoring (CBWQM) Strategy in the micro-basins BarracÌ£o dos Mendes, Santa Cruz and SÌ£o Louren̤o, RJ, Brazil. Amrita Gautam, Institute of Technology and Resources Management in the tropics and subtropics (ITT), Technical University of Cologne 8:15 AM Impact of BMPs on Sediment and Phosphorus loading from the Grand River Watershed to Lake Erie using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Aslam Hanief, Yeates School of Graduate Studies, Ryerson University 8:30 AM It Flows From the Heart: Bodwewadmiikwewag Nibi Waawiindmowin. Barbara Wall, Indigenous Studies, Trent University 8:45 AM - Break Rivers – “We All Live Downstream” 9:00 AM Long-term effects of sediment contamination from diluted bitumen spills in Canadian rivers. Zubair Hossain, Civil Engineering, Queen’s University 9:15 AM Flow and Trapping of Diluted Bitumen Droplets in Riverbed Sediment. Ying Lei, Civil Engineering, Queen’s University 9:30 AM Visualization of Hyporheic Flow through Gravel Bars in Rivers. Avneet Button, Civil Engineering, Queen’s University 9:45 AM The Effects of Biomass Removal on Small Streams in Forested Watersheds. Kaleb Madsen, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Washington State University 10:00 AM - Break Contaminants – “Filthy Water Cannot Be Washed” 10:15 AM Environmental Impact Of Activities At The Deloro Industrial Site (Southern Ontario) On A Downstream Lake: An Examination Of Geochemical And Biological Changes. Guy-Thierry Tenkouano, School of Environmental Studies, Queen’s University 10:30 AM Distribution and Importance of Co, Cu, and Pb in the Water, Sediment and Macrophytes in three Wetlands in Zambia Misery Mulele Nabuyanda, Water Science and Engineering, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education/Wageningen University 10:45 AM Characterization of arsenic species in lake sediments surrounding Giant Mine, NW. Martin Van Den Berghe, Geological Science and Geological Engineering, Queen’s University 11:00 AM Bioaccumulation and transcriptional changes in juvenile snapping turtles fed polychlorinated biphenyl or N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine dosed food. Tash-Lynn Colson, School of Environmental Studies, Queen’s University 11:15 AM Tributyltin Antifouling Agent Use and Environmental Effects in Barbados. Jelena Grbic, School of Environment: Water Environment and Ecosystems, McGill University 11:30 AM Electrochemical disinfection of water containing E. coli using antimony doped Sn0.8-W0.2-oxide coated anode. Saloumeh Ghasemian, Chemical Engineering, McGill University 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Keynote Speaker: Dr. Michael Steger 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Lunch Gases – “Sorry To Burst Your Bubble” 2:15 PM An assessment of a stream-based methane monitoring technique. Martin Boissonnault, Civil Engineering, University of New Brunswick 2:30 PM Using stable isotopes and cell enumeration to assess the origins of subsurface methane in Southwestern Ontario: applications to deep geologic repositories. Patrick Watt, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto 2:45 PM Laboratory Investigation of Fugitive Methane in Shallow Aquifers Using a Novel Visual Technique. Cole Van De Ven, Civil Engineering, Queen’s University 3:00 PM A method of investigating partial saturation effects on diffusion in Michigan basin shales. Jacob Nunn, Environmental and Earth Science, University of Ottawa 3:15 PM Comparison of 14C isotope-based correction methods for quantifying petroleum hydrocarbon degradation rates in the vadose zone and potential for monitored natural attenuation. Anne Wozney, Earth Science, University of Ottawa 3:30 PM Break Indicators – “We Only See The Tip Of The Iceberg” 3:45 PM Utilization of Bathymetry Data to Examine Lead Sediment Contamination Distributions in Lake Ontario Danielle Mitchell, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Ryerson University 4:00 PM Surveillance of Cryptosporidium Oocysts Entrapped by Aquatic Biofilms from Agricultural Watersheds. Amanda Morris, Yeates School of Graduate Studies, Ryerson University 4:15 PM Sustainable use of Marine Ecosystem Services in Inhambane, Mozambique Identifying Problems and Proposing Solutions. Alexandra Bloecker, Environmental Science, United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) & Radboud University Nijmegen 4:30 PM Detecting anti-estrogens and anti-androgens in surface waters impacted by municipal wastewater discharge and agricultural runoff. Shawna Corcoran, Environmental and Life Sciences, Trent University 4:45 PM Detection of aqueous Pb(II) using ring resonator with periodic mesoporous organo-silica coating. Hao Chen, Yeates School of Graduate Studies, Ryerson University |